Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The London Eye

I was in London this weekend. So, while I compile my usual terrible three from London, here are three more photogenic aspects of that city, done injustice by my roving eye.

The National Gallery: Nice if you like art. But, if you think art's fart, step outside and enjoy the view. You will not be alone for Nelson did the same, and the World stood him on a pedestal. Literally.

St. James Park: A pretty little park between Westminster (where the British Govt. hides) and Buckingham Palace. Being spank in the middle of the Bureaucratic pleat and the Royal seat, it is the place to be if you have mysterious notes and suspicious newspaper bound packages to toss around.

The Tower Bridge: From where many a damned were dumped.

Prince Albert Memorial: And because you have been a good reader to have reached this far, I give you a bonus picture. A tapestry in gray and gold of Prince Albert musing on all the World he couldn't quite hold.



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