Friday, March 17, 2006

Deep insight #1

I finally figured out why (most) men find women enticing, intriguing, captivating, etc.-ing. Though their peculiar anatomical construction may play a role, far more important is the fact that here, for a change, is a creature that takes care of its appearance, combs its hair, bathes, smells a-Ok, brushes teeth, walks with dignity, has poise, etc. It is all so bizarre and unnatural. So different from the completely natural and logical actions of a commonly found hairy creature that gets up, makes faces in the mirror, farts, grimaces at the shower*, throws on T-shirt and a smelly pair of jeans, shuffles to office, guffaws at toilet humour, and generally messes things up.

If you, gentle reader, are wondering how come you never have such penetrating insight, don't worry. While it is possible that you may be on the slower side of things, or, perhaps its a conspiracy of The Great Spinster to keep you out of the loop, but to really unearth deep facts about life, you have to stare at jumbled, nasty and completely unresponsive equations for hours on end, while simultaneously twiddling your thumbs.

*We are not responsible, it is natural selection:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were an exception. Since when did you start liking the other sex--Del-mar;)

1:48 PM  
Blogger i said...

Oh, you know, the men just aren't worth it.

12:52 PM  

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