Sunday, September 18, 2005


For a day reserved for God, today sure turned out to be a real dog of a day. It started of well enough. With wind on my back I sailed straight into the problem that has been eating my innards for over a year now. Wind On-My-Back; I had held successful clearance negotiations. Unfortunately, I ran into rough asymptotic weather. I turned to cereal for thought. But, the ship had run out. Now, because a morning is by cereal made, I knew that this morning was trashed.

Cut to afternoon.

I am informed that my email account has been hacked into and personal details are floating around in cyberspace, in places that are virtual incarnations of Sodom and Gomorrah. The hacker has the cheek not only of using my account, but also my picture. May fire and brimstone erupt from his commode whilst he shits on top, deep in thought.

That pretty much canned the day as far as work was concerned.

Cut to evening.

Just returned from a play. A spoof on Hollywood. They have become so common that one can do a spoof on a spoof now. Still it was Ok. But, the day closes with a numb mind and an empty workbook.

Post script: In hindsight, but for its effect on someone I know and like, I might have found the whole hacking thing hilarious. Something made to order for The Daily Slimes. They would have had a field day with this. Fortunately, I am great friends with the Editor. I have convinced him that this would make a better anecdote for the The Annals of B.


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