Friday, March 10, 2006

Karthikey? Nope, Kartikey.

NB. I have it from maternal authority that it should be Kartikey, and not Karthikey, but that address (kartikey.blogspot...) is being squat upon.

Yeah, well, amongst us Hindus, or, at least, amongst those from my neck of woods, a new born child is given two names. His/her real name, and another associated with his/her Rashi (Moon sign). Kartikey is my name associated with my Rashi, which is Mithun (Gemini). Now my mother coined my real name after Lord Shiv, but for my Rashi name, she gave me the name Kartikey, which for the illiterate amongst you happens to be the son of Shiv. Thus, when I finally call it a day, I shall be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, all rolled into one. Though in my case, Unholy will be a better adjective.

Anyway, somehow I have always thought that Kartikey sounds better, and goes better with my personality, or lack thereof.

Talkin about Moon signs, I believe Mithun (Gemini) are the twins. No wonder my father calls me Janus faced. Someone who says something and means something else. He would have further added 'and does something completely different', but knowing that I am congenitally lazy, he settles for my doing nothing.

Finally, here are the original Mithun(s):

who grow up to become real swackerchicks.

And the more popular Mithun (Confused? Never fear, Sharma's here, click there):

And Janus:

I think Janus is rather eye catching, and not just because of his two heads. So, in keeping with my very optimistic horrorscope, I will take pater's description as a compliment.


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