Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Please look down under

In my youth I used to play computer games. I tried, but ultimately gave up playing computer games online. The culprit was the fact that the imbeciles on the other side would make frequent uses of the following two soundbites:

"All your bases are belong to us."
"Someone set us up the bomb."

Funny, first time. Ok, dokey next time. Stop already!

Yeah, when I was younger little things used to irritate me. I have simplified things since then. Everything irritates me now.

Anyway, I was curious about the history of the above two blots on the English language. Sure enough, they come from a Japanese video game Zero Wing, helpfully translated into English by probably the same folks who are responsible for requesting tourists to "walk straight towards the front of their backsides" in order to find the toilets in subway stations. Here is a transcript:

Camera, action, mental meltdown...
War was beginning

: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb
Operator: We get signal
Captain: What!
Operator: Main screen turn on.

Captain: It's you!!
Cats: How are you gentlemen!!
Cats: All your base are belong to us
Cats: You are on the way to destruction

Captain: What you say?
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time
Cats: Ha ha ha ....
Operator: Captain!!

: Take off every 'ZIG'!
Captain: Move 'ZIG'.
Captain: For great justice.


In answer to a recent query about why gentlemen prefer blondes, note how the blonde is the saviour of great justice, while the brunette is setting us up the bomb.


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