Monday, February 06, 2006

Photoloose in Cambridge

I have this Sunday tradition. While people wend Churchways, I head off to Caffe Nero (for gringos that would mean Starbucks, EU-style) to while away a morning on hot chocolate and attempted scientific writing. Nowadays, I take my camera along to snap up a bit of Cambridge before I depart.
Here are some random views:

This is the block of flat I live in, the one recently terrorised by Misty. That is the apology of a bicycle I ride. It has half a functioning brake, and that too only functions because the front wheel is slightly misaligned, leading to periodic brushes of the brakepads with the wheel's rim. By the way, for the keen-eyed amongst you, my flat is the only one with its window open. If you find it, let me know. You will get a gold star.

This is the famous Cambridge University Library. The central tower reminds me a lot of the tower in the flawed cinematic version of "The name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco. Unfortunately, one is not allowed up. It is obvious to see that early Oxbridgians considered learning to be a male dominion, or perhaps, in Shrek's words, the architect was trying to make up for something.

Finally, Ducks on the Trinity College lawns taken from the Tit Hall bridge (a.k.a The Bridge of Orgasms - but that is another story for another day). Impersonating Ducks is the best way to best the keen-eyed groundsmen when attempting to walk on grass in Cambridge Colleges.


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