Saturday, September 01, 2007



It is a conspiracy. I am telling you, it is a conspiracy. The station's crowded, dusty and just plain dirty. But, there are spots. And, what's more, right underneath the fans. You hear that, the fans. These babies are sparse enough, and the temperature humid enough. Then, why?

So, you think maybe the World is full of people who just didn't get what Sherlock said about having an eye for detail, and plant yourself flat-footed spank underneath the whirling blades.
And give a dumb World the supercilious eye. Only to hear a dreaded off-key, wet and jarring note.


Damn you, Pigeons!

I guess I came, I saw, but did not observe.

But why, in these acres of space, and network of girders, did these Pigeons line their arses up right on top of the fans?

I tell you, it IS a conspiracy. I call it the Pigeon A-Hole Principle.

You didn't get that, did you?