Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The middle path

You may be aware that Lord Buddha in some century BC put forward his celebrated theory in which he espoused the case of the middle path, i.e., everything in life should be balanced.

Well, I have decided that this needs an overhaul, or at least a slight modification, which, for the benefit of the modern reader, I have put in a suitably pithy format:

"Balance your needs, extremize your deeds"

The latter half is a short way of saying 'maximize your good and character building deeds, and minimize your misdeeds'.

Finally, if you are confused about good, you shouldn't be. It is absolute.


Blogger i said...

Your point is well taken, but Buddha's outline is just one of the many paths to salvation. Karma, Bhakti and Gyan are the examples that spring to mind.

8:19 AM  

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