Thursday, October 14, 2004

... sat at lunch with an asian lady who kept on telling the world how bright her children were and how, once you have a family you have to make sacrifices: good school for her kids etc. etc. blah! Anyway, I told her that schools are a waste of time. That shut her up... for about 34 seconds.

A friend called me up yesterday. Talked to him after 5 years. Back then he sounded like he had nothing to say to me. Now he has nothing to say to me. Time.


Blogger vandy said...

Here through Manish's blog.

Nothing to say...
Sounds so familiar.
I met my childhood pal after 20 years.We went to the same school from 1st to 5th std in Allahabad.I was so excited .But after a warm hug he really didn't have much to talk about. Time ?

3:29 AM  

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